The Almond House
We are a Torah-observant, Messianic Fellowship, based in the UK, on the Wirral. We hang our whole ministry on love, as without love we are nothing but a clanging cymbal (1 Corinthians 13). Want to join us in person? First read Our Creed here, then fill in our contact form.
We stand firm in our beliefs that the whole Bible stands today, basing our foundation on the first five books of Moses (the Torah). We read the Torah each week on the Sabbath, seeking our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) on every page. We hope to serve you soon, shalom.
Weekly Posting Schedule
Wednesday Audio Bible
7pm UK • 2pm ET • 11am PTRead along, listen and meditate as we read the weekly Torah Portion with Tommy.
Found on: YouTube
Friday Teaching
7pm UK • 2pm ET • 11am PTJoin Joe, Jakkie and Tommy every week as we seek for Yeshua in the Torah Portions.
Found on: YouTube
Almond Grove | Generational Ministry
All the patriarchs of the faith had the ability to think generationally; to know that God’s blessings go beyond them. Abraham foresaw his children becoming a great nation; it took Jacob and his 12 sons, and many generations later, before the Kingdom of Israel was formed. As much as we love David, it was his son Solomon who built the temple. This is the ability to think beyond your own ministry, a generational ministry.
"The Almond Grove" is a vision given to us by Yah to purchase land to cultivate generational ministry. You may hear famous people speak about generational wealth, but what they are truly seeking is generational community. It is the Biblical model for sustaining generational wealth. Almond Grove would be a community of like-minded believers where Biblical values are a normal part of life. Click here for the full details.